
The Italian Sea Group: admission request on the MTA of Borsa Italiana

Marina di Carrara, February 26, 2021. The Italian Sea Group (“TISG” or the “Company”), global operator in the luxury yachting industry, announces that it has filed the request for admission to list its ordinary shares on the Mercato Telematico Azionario (“MTA”), organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., and, upon the fulfilment of certain conditions, on the STAR Segment. The Company has also submitted to Consob a formal authorization request to publish the Information Prospectus.

Intermonte has been appointed to act as Global Coordinator, Sponsor and Specialist. Berenberg is acting as Joint Bookrunner. Ambromobiliare SpA is the Company’s Financial Advisor.


Dentons Europe Studio Legale Tributario acts as legal advisor for the Company, while DLA Piper Italy acts as legal advisor for the Global Coordinator. BDO Italia S.p.A. is the independent Auditing firm in charge of and subject to carry out checks on the Business Plan and the Management Control System. The fiscal aspects were managed by Giulio Andreani of the PwC TLS Tax Law Firm while Long Term Partners/OC&C Italy acts as strategic Advisor for the market analysis.

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