
Sanlorenzo: Lloyd Register certifies the Fuel Cell system

During the recent Monaco Yacht Show, Lloyd’s Register (LR) awarded Sanlorenzo the approval certification for the Fuel Cell system and Type C containment tank designed by the shipyard together with Siemens Energy.

Lloyd Register has indeed supported Sanlorenzo in validating the project: the prestigious certification awarded validates the compliance of the methanol fuel cell system with internationally recognised environmental standards, consolidating its credibility on the market.

“The collaboration with Sanlo renzo on this innovative project affirms LR’s role as a trusted advisor to our clients and demonstrates our support for early developers of solutions to reduce carbon emissions in the yachting industry. We are delighted to give Sanlorenzo this approval, wh ich confirms that their methanol fuel cell system meets the required safety standards.”

Paolo Izzo , LR Sales & Marketing Manager for Italy, Monaco and Malta

A first on the market, this innovative and revolutionary solution will see the light of day with t he new 50Steel line, a superyacht whose first unit is due for delivery in the summer of 2024: the methanol fuel cell system will allow the vessel to generate electricity for on
board hotellerie services, with the engines and generators switched off, signif icantly extending the time spent at anchor and manoeuvring without consuming diesel fuel.

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